Exceptional shipwreck identification from the Gulf of Finland: Witte Swaen (1636)

The Gulf of Finland is the easternmost part of the Baltic Sea, concealing exceptionally well-preserved cultural heritage on its seabed. For centuries, the area has been a hub of trade and maritime travel, with numerous vessels coming to rest on its floor. In 2020, the Badewanne diving team made an extraordinary discovery in the area: a well-preserved wooden shipwreck dating back to the 17th century. The findings have now been published in a scientific article in an international journal, freely accessible to readers.

In summary, this wreck, resting at a depth of 85 meters, was identified through detailed international research as Witte Swaen, a Dutch fluyt built in 1636 and sunk in 1638. Fluyts were significant merchant ships of their time, with an innovative hull design optimized for cargo transport, commonly used on Baltic trade routes. However, Witte Swaen stands out from other fluyts due to its sculptural decorations and unique hull design.

The Badewanne diving team specializes in documenting World War I and II shipwrecks in the Baltic Sea. This time, they collaborated with several researchers to gather as much information as possible about the wreck without physically disturbing it. The discovery not only sheds light on the fate of Witte Swaen and its crew but also provides significant new insights into 17th-century maritime practices and trade history.

The discovery highlights the importance of studying and preserving the unique underwater cultural heritage of the Gulf of Finland. It also sparks interest in the region’s maritime history and reminds us of the value of marine environments, which we all have a responsibility to protect. A documentary about the fluyt is also in production, managed by Handle Production in collaboration with a Dutch production company.

Link to the publication:

Witte Swaen from 1636. The Discovery and Archaeological Survey of an Intact Fluit in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea

Addititonal information on the documentary and research:

White Swan – The Legacy of the Fluit Ship – Handle Productions

“The Swan” – 1636 – Badewanne.fi