Description of the research site
"Hilma," officially known as the Länsi-Mustasaari Wreck 2 (ID 2694), is located on the eastern side of Länsi-Mustasaari. The wreck measures approximately 33 meters in length and eight meters in width. It is situated opposite the island of Susisaari and the entrance to the dry dock, at a maximum depth of six meters.
The research area is in a reasonably sheltered bay, with the wreck positioned between a shallow rocky islet and Länsi-Mustasaari. The wreck is easily accessible from the shore. To the south, a narrow opening to the sea allows waves from the open sea to enter the bay. Historically, this area was known as Satamalahti.
The wreck is a typical skeleton wreck of a wooden shipwreck found in Suomenlinna, with only the bottom part preserved. Loose structural parts lie on top of the bottom section. The identity of the wreck is still unknown.
Loose structural parts lie on top of the bottom section. Due to its location, the wreck has been continuously exposed to significant human activity. The ongoing research project aims to develop methods for more accurate interpretations of the numerous wooden wrecks surrounding the fortress.