Research team

The team is led by maritime archaeologist Minna Koivikko, the project manager of the "Veteen vajonneet" project. The group consists of the Finnish Heritage Agency's maritime archaeology team: Riikka Alvik, Sami Brchisky, Jesse Jokinen, and Kalle Virtanen. The excavations also include other experts from the "Veteen vajonneet" project, namely Kari Hyttinen (photogrammetry), Mikael Holmström (shipbuilding), Hannu Matikka (Archipelago Fleet), Kalle Salonen (underwater excavation), Kati Laasonen (diving safety), Ari Ruuskanen (maritime biology), Tuomas Aakala (dendrochronology), and Liisa Näsänen/Elisa Ahverdov from the National Museum's conservation department. Additionally, Karri Hirvonen, Saara Mohammadi, Emma Barrow, Sabina Kraaz, and Veli Leino have been hired for the excavations with the support of the Svenska Kulturfonden. Interns from the University of Helsinki, Lotta-Liina Salonen and Janne Huovinen, are also part of the research team.